TRY NOT TO LAUGH! **moustache edition**
Its Time for clean shave where pewds have tried to a save and leave the mustache alone while he is visiting the his family leaving mustachio with new style but it looks like most of them didnt like it as we always seen pewds with clean shave or with full with beard and moustache seems like even Marzia (Marzia Bisognin) seems like didnt like it so as he said in pewds new office video
and we think that is not only the reason that the pewdie is doing a clean shave even in his video comments and Facebook comment bros responded and given there feedback to his moustache so its time to shave where he is shaving his moustache and also it lookes like making it try not to laugh challange and most of them made fun or him only thing people liked is the comment saying pewds is trying the style of Hitler (All Hail Hitler) Jest kidding.
Sorry Pewd but this was the picture which came from 2016 as per the reference from the backgrounds and we liked it.
Its Time for clean shave where pewds have tried to a save and leave the mustache alone while he is visiting the his family leaving mustachio with new style but it looks like most of them didnt like it as we always seen pewds with clean shave or with full with beard and moustache seems like even Marzia (Marzia Bisognin) seems like didnt like it so as he said in pewds new office video
and we think that is not only the reason that the pewdie is doing a clean shave even in his video comments and Facebook comment bros responded and given there feedback to his moustache so its time to shave where he is shaving his moustache and also it lookes like making it try not to laugh challange and most of them made fun or him only thing people liked is the comment saying pewds is trying the style of Hitler (All Hail Hitler) Jest kidding.
Sorry Pewd but this was the picture which came from 2016 as per the reference from the backgrounds and we liked it.

One thing that makes me happy that Pewdiepie takes his fans words always for granted as also of his mate (Marzia Pie) we appreciate your feedback marziapie loving it we love your video marzia keep making it we love to see both marzia and also pewds making there videos and working at one office and i feel like there will be lot of more time for both of them together we might seeing both of them in more videos together as always pewds brakes through some of her per videos jest try to scare others same as marzia and the rest of the place about the space left i think the place can b used for the live streams and also for the virtual reality because if we the last video of virtual reallity there is less place to work for him but this time we think the large space can help him for the virtual games and also it would be cool for new background testind even i think that same backround for all games wont be lovely and even thow pewds jest cant stick with 1 single background where he may make 5 to to six sick background and add evey single one for different one for the story mode,gaming,scary games,story games,True Talks,YouTube Problems
What you guys think bros